SLA Seminar Workbook (SLA-01)


This is the workbook that accompanies the 7 sessions SLA Seminar conducted by Dr Gerald Chester.

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This is the workbook that accompanies the 7 sessions SLA Seminar conducted by Dr Gerald Chester.

What will you learn in the SLA Seminar?

The divinely ordained vocations
How to hear the voice of God in the process of discovering your life purpose
The biblical principles for discovering your divinely ordained life work
Cirtical blocks that hinder your discovery process
How money can help and hurt your discovery process
A biblical methodology for finding your life purpose
God's problem-solving methodology
How to engage the power of community to help you find your life purpose
How to qualify advisors
How to develop a life plan
How to develop a career plan consistent with your life purpose
How to qualify advisors
How to develop develop a life plan
How to develop a career plan consistent with your life plan
How to help other discover their life purpose
And ... much, much more!