Your child is on the way to leaving infancy behind and heading straight for the toddler years. During this season, baby food is exchanged for table food; bottle for sippy cup; the highchair for a booster seat; feeding himself with his fingers replaced by a spoon and fork; babbling talk to speaking, and the first unsteady steps are taken over by strides of confidence. Your pre-toddler will graduate infancy with a mind of his own and whether you’re ready or not, his natural inclination and challenge of “I do it myself” will become part of his and your day. In this series Gary and Anne Marie provide principles, strategies and step by step guidance that will help parent and child make a smooth transition from babyhood to toddlerhood.
Session 1—Prep Overview, Babyhood 2 & Tot Yrs 1
Re-cap of Infant Basics
Wake Time & Nap Time Transition
Transition Period
Session 2—Prep 1 & Tot Yrs 1
Foundation for Secure Child
Setting the Right Goals
A few words for fathers
Session 3—Tot Yrs 2
Mealtime Basics
Babyfood to Table Food
Food Challenges
Session 4—Tot Yrs 2/3
Naps and Nighttime Sleep
Understanding Boundaries
The Funnel Factor
Session 5—Tot Yrs 4
The Preventative Side of Correction
How to Pull Weeds
Parenting the Pre-Toddler (6 to 18 months) will be held in English and Chinese.