Workshop: Listen First!

There are four basic types of communication [i] reading [ii] Writing [iii] Speaking [iv] Listening. The ability to do these four skills well is absolutely critical to your effectiveness. Most of us have spent years reading, writing and speaking, but what about listening? What training or education have we had that enables us to listen so that we really and deeply understand another human being? To understand from that person’s own frame of reference?

This workshop introduces the four common levels of listening:
1. Ignoring
2. Pretending
3. Selective listening
4. Attentive listening

Workshop will review the skills needed to do “Empathic Listening” as introduced by Stephen Covey in his book “7 Habits of Highly Effective People.”

Two other key concepts in listening are also covered:
A. Psychological Air
B. Autobiographical Response

No upcoming sessions.