Speak Life
Communications Towards Deeper Relationships
This five sessions (3 hours each) course is designed to empower the individual to discover the power and life when applying God’s principles in their speech and communication. These communication principles are time-tested and applied with the full confidence that they work. The aim of this course is to equip every person with communication skills that will lead each into a deeper relationship with those whom God has placed in their lives.
This course is developed based on:
1) Parenting from the Tree of LIfe by Gary and Anne Marie Ezzo
2) Let’s Talk by Dennis Peacocke
3) 7 Habits of Highly Effective People–Habit 5 by Stephen Covey
1) The Nature of Communication and Intimacy
2) Five General Rules of Life-Giving Relationships
3) Growing Relationships Are Built on the Process of Mutual Transformation (Part One)
4) Growing Relationships Are Built on the Process of Mutual Transformation (Part Two)
5) The Rules of Engagement: Defining Our Use of Language
6) The Rules of Engagement: Defining Our Responses to Pain and Pressure
7) The Heart of the Matter: Building the Bridge of Trust
8) Defending What We’ve Built
Course Fee
Individual: $300
Couple: $330
Course Fee includes [a] Parenting from Tree of Life Leader’s Guide [b] Let’s Talk workbook with MP3 [c] On Becoming Childwise with audio CD [d] Destiny of a Nation