Session 1—Overview 第一课概述
- Re-cap of Infant Basics 回顾婴儿期的基本观念
- Wake Time & Nap Time Transition 清醒时间与午睡的转变
- Transition Period 转变周期
Session 2—Pre-Toddler Years 1 第二课–学步期 1
- Foundation for Secure Child 孩子安全感的根基
- Setting the Right Goals 设立正确目标
A few words for fathers 给父亲的一席话
Session 3—Pre-Toddler Years 2 第三课–学步期2
- Mealtime Basics用餐时间的基本原则
- Babyfood to Table Food 从副食品到一般食物
Food Challenges 喂食的挑战
Session 4—Pre-Toddler Years 3 第四课学步期 3
- Naps and Nighttime Sleep午睡与夜晚睡眠
- Understanding Boundaries 了解界线
The Funnel Factor 漏斗内的教养
Session 5—Pre-Toddler Years 4第五课学步期4
- The Preventative Side of Correction 矫正的预防效果
How to Pull Weeds 如何拔掉杂草